100% of the donations go to cats
Donations will help us continue our work!
Donate Online
Donate online via
PayPal: use the link paypal.me/catsofgili or click the donate button:
Transferwise: see the picture below for details! And please send the money in IDR - INDONESIAN RUPIAH. Thank you!

​Donate When You're in Gili
You can find our official donation boxes in some of the dive shops, hotels and restaurants. Donation boxes are available at the following places:
Lutwala Dive
Trawangan Dive Center
Manta Dive
Gili Palms Resort
Gili Eco Trust
Pituq Waroeng
Blue Marlin Dive Center
And of course there is a donation box at our charity shop too!
Below is a picture of one of our donation boxes. If there are other money collection boxes saying the money goes to cats, those are not ours.

Where does the money go?
100% of donations, as well as any profit our charity cat shop makes, goes to further help our feline islanders.
We organize at least 2 big spay/neuter clinics per year, and for those we need medicines, medical supplies, cages, cat carriers etc. We have a cat hospital to support. We need loads and loads of cat food (of which about 50% is sold in our shop and 50% is used for feeding cats in our area, feeding our rescue kittens and cat hospital patients). We also spend money on keeping our charity shop stocked with all things cats need, plus souveniers for visitors.